greenteQ All-weather foil protects window and door elements and permanently seals thresholds and components in the root point area against non-accumulating seepage water, such as rain water, seepage water and service water in dripping or liquid form that exerts no or only little hydrostatic pressure on the sealing, and against ground moisture (capillary and retained water) and non-pressing water as per DIN 18533. greenteQ All-weather foil consists of 100 µm thick polyethylene carrier foil and a layer of plastic-modified self-adhesive bitumen.
A material-compliant transition to further bitumen-based perimeter sealing is thus possible without any problems.
Depending on the width of the foil, the peelable protective foil is perforated in several places for the purpose of easier processing:
• one lengthwise perforation for the 100 mm and 150 mm wide foils
• two lengthwise perforations for the 200 mm to 300 mm wide foils
• three lengthwise perforations for the 350 mm wide foil
greenteQ All-weather foil is flexible and adapts to the substrate easily. greenteQ All-weather foil has good adhesive power on a variety of substrates.
greenteQ Allwetterfolie ist flexibel und lässt sich gut an den Untergrund anpassen. greenteQ Allwetterfolie besitzt eine gute Klebkraft auf vielfältigen Untergründen.
Product advantages:
• can be used all year round (from +5°C to +30°C)
• 1.5 mm thick
• sealing in the floor area according to DIN 18533
• UV stability: approx. 5 months
• airtight, wind- and waterproof
• flexible and elastic
• robust
• fully self-adhesive
• through drying not necessary
• immediately waterproof and resistant to driving rain
• no waiting period
• peelable protective foil with varying perforation, depending on the foil width
• easy installation and quick processing