The greenteQ bright zinc spray provides outstanding corrosion protection for the galvanisation of many base metals at a later date and has very good adhesive properties on non ferrous metals and iron. The greenteQ bright zinc spray offers outstanding corrosion protection for metal surfaces and is mainly used to repair damaged zinc coatings. It is also suitable for the galvanisation of drilling points, welding joints and interfaces at a later date as well as for priming systems and machine parts exposed to the elements - wherever metals need to be protected against corrosion.
greenteQ bright zinc spray:
- forms a quick-drying, smooth, non-porous surface film with high adhesive strength and high wear resistance
- is heat resistant up to 200°C and has a high resistance against dirt and water
- features a high gloss level. It has a similar colour to freshly galvanised metals. Through-penetration welding is possible without any problems, as greenteQ bright zinc spray features a high metal content. Overpainting without an additional primer is possible (conduct preliminary tests!)