greenteQ glazing blocks are made of polypropylene (PP).
The material properties of PP:
Modulus of elasticity 1,600 N/mm²
The modulus of elasticity specifies how elastic a material is (for example, steel: 210,000 N/mm², rubber: 5 N/mm²).
Ball indentation hardness approximately 80 N/mm²
The ball indentation hardness specifies how much force must be applied in order to displace an area of 1 mm² in size. This test procedure is performed with a standardised ball. 1 N (Newton) corresponds to a weight of 0.0981 kg/mm², therefore 80 N corresponds to a weight force of 7.848 kg/mm².
Heat deflection temperature 90 - 115°C
The heat deflection temperature specifies the temperature from which a material (thermoplastic) begins to "flow". If a particular temperature limit is exceeded for a short period of time due to the influence of heat, the intermolecular bonding forces of the polymer chains are reduced and the molecular chains become detached from one another more easily. The thermoplastic material begins to flow.
The average load-bearing area of the greenteQ glazing blocks is approximately 525 mm² in size.
From a computational standpoint, this results in a compressive strength of more than 4 tons.
525 mm² x 80 N/mm² = 42,000 N/mm² = 4,120.2 kg
For pane weights of 150 - 160 kg and above, we recommend using 2 blocks side by side, in order to achieve an optimum distribution of pressure, thus minimising the danger of glass edge fractures (max. weight for normal tilt/turn hardware = 130 kg).